Black Magic Herb Co.
Black Magic Herb Co. Affiliate Promotion Agent "TEAM" Meeting, is our digital promoter program meeting where we
walk Agents through our 90 day process to Increase profits, build brand awareness, and
promote Black Magic Herb Co. Subscriptions, Products and Programs
with the agenda to make reoccurring income.
Our program is simple;
Promote pre-made content to your network and for every new subscriber under your
QR Code,
you earn 25% or 50% gross profit.
No selling
No inventory
No content creation
Rules of engagement:
Just post 3 times a day, 3 days a week and Join a Weekly "Teams" Meeting.
Create an Account Below
and get an invite to join the next "Team" Meeting
and get more details on creating an additional revenue stream!
Meetings Start Every Sunday at 7pm ET, 8 CT, 9 MT, 10 PT/ Ends at 8